
Prophylaxis for pregnant women

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Prophylaxis for pregnant women

Prophylaxis for pregnant women -recommended Tiens-Tianshi products:


  • You should not take all recommended products but only those that best suit your conditions;
  • To document on recommended products click the links above or the appropriate image on the left side of the screen;
  • For best results, read the description of each product;
  • Follow the steps and indicated doses;
  • The indications of this website do not replace professional recommendations from consultations conducted by a physician;
  • The products recommended on this website should not be used as substitutes for prescribed medicines;
  • Do not forget, the best doctor is yourself.


  1. Increasing immunity in adults
  2. Increasing immunity in children
  3. Health keeping
  4. Prophylaxis for breastfeeding women
  5. Prophylaxis for pregnant women
  6. Prophylaxis in athletes
Nutrient Super Calcium Powder
Zinc Capsules
Omega 3 Capsules
Glaring Golden Bracelet
Magic White Bracelet